



1、 Linyi rental car pick up and return flow chart:

1.   租车流程:到达门店出示证件—交纳押金—在租车单上签字—车辆检验—离开门店。

1. Car rental process: arrive at the store to show the certificate - pay the deposit - sign the car rental form - vehicle inspection - leave the store.

2.   还车流程:驾驶至租车门店—车辆检验—结算租车费用—扣出违章保证金—离开门店。

2. Car return process: driving to the car rental store - vehicle inspection - settlement of car rental fee - deduction of violation deposit - leaving the store.


2、 Car rental payment:

1.   租期在5天内,客户押金包含5天内租金,如需继续租用,需向临沂征途租车缴纳租金,如未缴纳租金公司有权收回车辆,押金作为违约金,不予退还。

1. The rental period is within 5 days, and the customer's deposit includes the rent within 5 days. If you need to continue to rent, you need to pay the rent to Linyi ZhengTu. If you don't pay the rent, the company has the right to take back the car, and the deposit will be regarded as the liquidated damages and will not be returned.

2.   包月车辆,客户在取车时候一次性支付,可现金也可信用卡消费;刷卡收取1%的手续费。

2. For monthly vehicles, customers can pay one-time when they pick up the car, either in cash or by credit card; Charge 1% service charge by credit card.


3、 Pick up and return instructions:

1.  关于燃油在租车时,签定临沂征途汽车租赁合同,请客户在取车的时候看清车辆上的燃油刻度表,并记录在验车单上; 还车时,客户将燃油还到取车时候的刻度表即可;

1. When renting a car for fuel, sign a lease contract for Linyi journey car. Please see the fuel scale on the car when you pick up the car and record it on the car inspection sheet; When returning the car, the customer can return the fuel to the dial when picking up the car;

2.  关于车辆外观在租车的时候,请客户仔细观察好车辆外观各处是否有磨损的,若有,记录好在【临沂征途汽车租赁合同】;

2. When renting a car, please carefully observe the appearance of the car to see if there is any wear and tear. If there is, please record it in the Linyi journey car rental contract;

3.  在还车的时候,临沂租车工作人员将根据【临沂征途汽车租赁合同】的记录情况作验收。

3. When returning the car, the staff of Linyi car rental will check and accept the car according to the record of Linyi journey car rental contract.


4、 Delay and early return:

1.  若客延期还车,将收取每小时的延时费用,具体情况视车辆价值而不同;按合同执行。

1. If the passenger delays in returning the car, an hourly delay fee will be charged, depending on the value of the car; According to the contract.

2.  若客户计划推迟还车时间,请客户至少提前1天时间通知临沂租车,以便我司工作人员做好车辆调度工作;若客户没有提前告知,君达租车有权追究客户的违约责任,具体情况视合同而定;客户提前还车,租车费用仍按照合同约定的使用时间计算租车费。

2. If the customer plans to postpone the return time, please inform Linyi to rent the car at least one day in advance, so that our staff can do a good job in vehicle scheduling; If the customer does not inform in advance, Junda car rental has the right to investigate the customer's liability for breach of contract, and the specific situation depends on the contract; If the customer returns the car in advance, the rental fee will still be calculated according to the usage time agreed in the contract.


Warm tip: before leaving the store, please be familiar with the safety performance of the leased vehicle: hazard warning light, door lock, headlight and spare wheel.


地址:临沂市兰山区沂蒙路与天津路交汇 服务热线:0539-8766663
临沂小马达汽车租赁有限公司版权所有@2020-2021 鲁ICP备17014716号 营业执照公示
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